Back to School Bash Registration

August 3 at 5 pm | Please fill out this form and click submit.
Student Information

Parent's Information

Release, Waiver, and Indemnity Agreement

In consideration of the attendance of my child at BTSB 2024 in Bentonville, Arkansas at Bethel Baptist Church and for allowing my child to participate in this activity, I do hearby release and discharge Bethel Baptist Church and all its pastors and adult leaders acting officially or otherwise from any and all claims, demands, actions, or causes of action on account of injury, sustained by my child during said activity. I hearby authorize the youth pastor to obtain emergency medical treatment for my child at any time during the above named activity. I understand that an attempt will be made to notify the parents first. If the parents are not available, however, the youth will be taken to the emergency room at the nearest hospital as circumstances may warrant. If any conduct of the participant warrants them to be excused from participation in the event, I assume all responsibility for disciplinary action and pick up of my child upon being notified by the youth pastor.


August 3 at 5 pm
Please fill out this form and click submit.